
What should we look for when renting a vehicle?
15 Tools you should be careful when renting a car have listed for you:
1. Rent your car from absolutely legal firm. Do not hire the place of legal consent in this regard may result in trouble you do not want your head.
2. Find out whether the company's service and maintenance point in your route you would hire.
3. Check the mileage of the vehicle.
4- To ensure safety, especially if you used to long-distance travel less and prefer new cars. See the safety equipment. ABS, check airbags and seat belts. If you are traveling with children, be sure to request a child seat.
5. Ensure that the vehicle does not exceed 3 years.
6. Vehicle kiralanırken a defect, the failure, check whether there is no damage. Make sure the headlights and running lights. Immediately report any problems relating to staff contracts and lower notes. Even take a photo there.
7. Always make car rental contract. Otherwise, you may come to the point where you do not want to incur material losses as a result of an accident.
8. Check to see what the price includes the vehicle to be leased. Usually some extra fees are added to the price announced in the showcase. You learn the turnkey lease price would be more accurate.
9 - Make sure that the vehicle has full insurance and other insurance. When you have an accident with a car without automobile insurance, car rental insurance group is also welcome damage. Thus, all costs may be upon you.
10 of an accident, etc. withdrawal. which should be followed in case of road and ask for information about what types of documents should be brought. Find out which numbers and to whom to call.
11 - always a price advantage of early booking (except high-season) provides. If you book in advance you can find your car much more affordable price firms rentals. discount is applied in the number of a particular day rental.
12. Learn about the cancellation of the company when making your reservation. In particular, you should find out whether there is any cancellation fee and must give notice at what time to pay the penalty.
Do your research on the internet about 13 car rental. Large companies sometimes offer special discounts just for Internet users, the use of them as far as possible. Keep track of individual car rental websites.
14- Additional sürürücü that are charged for and problem if you need to specify the names of the agreement. add other additional drivers on the rental contract. If you do use of your vehicle to someone who is not party to the Convention, you can jeopardize the validity of the contract.
15 - For a one way rental, do not forget to ask about delivery charges. They can be very high.